Information asymmetry and the perversion of valuation are root causes of every economic crisis. But every citizen who learns the powerful knowledge of Economic Sovereignty acts as a hero against the constant barrage of financial chicanery - on a national, state, local, and personal level. Economic Sovereignty is not just high-minded abstraction about national prosperity; it begins with citizens who know their value, accurately perceive the value of others, and approach financial decisions with wisdom and virtue.In slightly less than 200 pages of reading material, and over 100 pages of supporting evidence, the complexity of politics, poverty, prosperity, jobs, and economics has never been more accessible. Topics discussed include:An average person's encounter with financial chicanery and perversion of valuationCorrectly defining poverty and prosperity beyond the propagandaThe principles of financial prosperityDebunking the myth of income and wealth inequalityJudging the gainfulness of different careers by lifetime incomeLooking at personal wealth beyond the annual snapshot - Thomas E. Kurek's invention of the Lifetime Prosperity ModelThe accurate economic history of the USA - meticulously curated with authoritative dataA comparison of the American economy to that of "the world"A complete assessment of taxation in all forms, and hidden taxes on workersPrivate ownership vs. socialismVisions that impact economic choices and policiesVisions written into national designsVision-distorted policies for Energy, Environment, Education, and Diversity/InclusionVorardennes - the process throughout history that destroys the upper middle class by either violent or financial means, creating an elite oligarchy and compressing everyone else into a powerless mobPolicy proposals and personal financial suggestions to secure Economic SovereigntyEvery citizen must own a copy of this book to reclaim sovereignty for themselves and their loved ones. Knowledge of higher math, economics, and political science is unnecessary to gain the enlightenment of this groundbreaking research. Job seekers will understand the corruption of labor markets. Indebted people will learn how to manage their income and make wise choices. Young students will choose better careers, while workers discover the true cost of taxes that are hidden from them. With swindles from economic fallacies thriving, the reader is shown exactly how to distinguish rewarding work from dead-ends. Altruists will see how American economic history compares to the world's. The first-ever lifetime prosperity method will help citizens understand their own financial security - as it reveals how governments around the world have stolen their self-determination. Ultimately, a terrifying process emerges that has destroyed nations for centuries - vorardennes. It will continue to throttle America until we restore economic sovereignty.